Thursday, March 31, 2005

Writing and the Chunky Ass

GS is moving along well. I added another 2k words today on an insert chapter I needed and I'm hoping to get in much editing work tonight. The boy is at his grandmother's until Saturday and the wife is working late tonight so I'll have the house to my lonesome. That's a mighty rare occurence! Didn't have the energy last night to delve into "Fish". I will get to it soon though. . .


I'm tired today. I was up late last night, running the boy down to the grandparent's house, then back home to do my fair share of the household chores. (Okay, so the wife does twice as much as I do, what's your point?) We taped "West Wing" last night and watched it after the house was cleaned so I didn't get to bed until after midnight, which is late by my standards. I was dragging when I got up this a.m. for work. They say (who the hell are they anyway and why do they talk so much?) that you need less sleep as you get older but I haven't seen any signs of it yet. If I don't get a solid 8 hours (more if possible!) I'm am totally wasted the next day. The wife is my complete opposite, she regularly runs on 3-4 hours of sleep and always has twice as much energy as I do. Of course, that might have something to do with me getting to be as big as a house . . .

Weight is becoming an issue (becoming? Oh hell, let's be honest: it's been the pink elephant in the room my whole life! No puns intended.) I am starting to feel it in my back and legs when I get up in the morning. I'm also concerned about doing all the stuff I do with the Scouts. I can just see a group of 11 year olds trying to cart my tubby ass down the side of a mountain after I go into cardiac arrest. (I can see the headline: "Small children crushed by pudgy bald guy") I've done every diet under the sun, even the whole pre-packaged food and low carb kicks. No permanent changes. The thing that always kills me is exercise. I do alright with it for a while but then the weather or illness or something throws me off track and the whole plan collapses. I have a new plan (The wife is sighing and holding her head in her hands. Cheer up, dear, this one will work! No, really . . . hey, stop laughing!) Actually, it's a pretty simple plan that will allow me to take care of the exercise thing without spending any money, or worrying about hurting myself, or being rained out. I'm coupling it up with some simple dietary adjustment (Goodbye, Ring Dings!) that shouldn't be too taxing either. I'll let you know how things go. If it works the way I hope, I'll post all the info here on the Blog (not that any of you are heavy or anything. Well, maybe you, but we like you anyway . . .)

Gotta tell ya, I have a brother (one out of five) who has been thin his entire life. (Bastard also has hair, but that's another rant!) He was a personal trainer for a while and has always been well muscled with a flat stomach and all that happy crap. He always said all I had to do was exercise for 20 minutes a day and all the weight would fall off and I'd look just like him. He never listened when I tried to explain it didn't work that way (Damn workout Nazi's never do!) that I gained weight by looking at food while he ate three Big Macs for lunch and dropped two pounds. Now, the man is married, with a desk job, a mortgage and a kid. Last time I saw him he looked like he was expecting an Alien to burst out of his paunch at any moment. (He's also losing his hair!) It's mean to say, but I was very satisfied to see him finally come up against the Weight Monster. I asked him why he didn't just work out for 20 minutes and he walked away from me, grumbling under his breath and shooting me nasty looks.

Mean, but satisfying.

If you don't have weight issues (did I mention I hate you?) you can't fully appreciate how hard it is to get it off once it's on. I can pack on 20 lbs without blinking (or knowing!) but it takes me 6 months of dieting and exercise to get it off again. Just ain't fair, is it? Oh well, enough whining for today. I'll keep you posted on "The Plan".


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