Friday, March 04, 2005

TV and Insanity

2K words on "Clans" today. Gotta say, I'm loving the way this thing is moving! Did some more Crit work over on Forward Motion; meeting some nice people over there. I also voulunteered to run one of their writing classes (what the hell was I thinking?) on martial arts: fantasy vs. reality. Believe it or not I have black belts in two different styles (though it's been quite a few years since my fat butt did any real training!) and they were asking for folks with experience in things outside of writing, so . . .

So, I watched "Survivor" and "The Apprentice" last night (yes, I admit it: I'm a Reality TV geek!) I love the girl in "Survivor" with all the tattoos. She started as the outsider nobody wanted on their team and she's been kicking serious butt -even on the guys- ever since. I love that! I have a soft spot for outsiders and underdogs. . .

On the other hand, the girl who got fired on "The Apprentice" was a witch and deserved to be tossed. I thought my wife was going to put her foor through the TV when this girl started whining how hard her life was growing up because she was -get this: "Too beautiful!" she cried that she wanted to take a razor to her face because everyone hated her for being so pretty. Um . . . ok. I can really feel the trauma, I mean: beautiful, popular, and well endowed . . . how did she ever survive?

Sometimes all you can do is shake your head.


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