Friday, March 18, 2005

My Little Hobby

It has been a crazy week (crazy month for that matter!) Seems I've been running non-stop. My viewing of the "Quiet Man" got interrupted last night by a minor boy Scouts emergency. Had to run out and help one of the other Scoutmasters get our trailer packed and ready because: We are camping again this weekend! (Woo Hoo!) Not only that, but we'll be shooting (something I have never done before). A former adult leader in our troop has a huge amount of land with shooting ranges, etc. and he's letting us use it for the weekend. I'm looking forward to this, I've always wondered what it was like to fire a gun but I've never had the opportunity before. I'll let you know how it goes.

Of course, the camping means no posts this weekend again (I know: you're very sad. Please don't cry on the keyboard though!) It also means no writing or editing! I'm telling ya' - having a life can be damned inconvenient to a writer's schedule! Oh well, I suppose that means I'll have to work harder next week.

I'm looking into buying a Laserjet now, my old Inkjet is failing and when I went out last night to buy new ink cartridges it cost me $64.00!!!!! (I'm sorry, but there is no frikkin' way you can justify charging people that much for two containers of ink!) The wife gave me a money lecture this morning on our finances and how expensive Laser printers are. She thinks they cost at least $800 or so. I couldn't convince her I can get a low end one for under $300. Quite frankly, she doesn't see the need for one. Her answer when I pointed out the expense of the cartridges and how quickly we go through them:

Wife: "Well, that's because most families aren't constantly printing entire novels on their printer!"

Me: "Yes, but this one is . . . get it?"

To which she just sighed and rolled her eyes. My wife is not particularly supportive of what she terms "My little hobby" (Yea, that really does piss me off!) She sees my writing as an annoying interruption of the important things I should be doing (Like taking out the garbage, cleaning the gutters, and installing new windows . . .) She doesn't understand the need to write. To her, it's a silly thing because I don't get paid for it (Yet!) and I put so much work into it for no apparent reason. The idea that I have to write is completely foreign to her. I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I'm borderline depressive when I'm not writing. The only thing that keeps me on any type of sane baseline is to write regularly. Otherwise, I get so sure that I'm wasting my life that I can't do anything (including all those chores the wife wants attended to!) because I'm moping about all day in a black cloud. I like myself when I write. I feel like I'm doing what I was put on this world for, even though I'm not published yet. I will be in time (sadly, I really do believe that without question!) Maybe when I bring in actual cash from writing, my wife will upgrade it from "little hobby" to "part-time job" or "a sideline".

I ain't gonna hold my breathe though.


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