Thursday, March 10, 2005

Almost a Real Writer!

Edited nearly 20 pages in GS last night. Holly's One-Pass Editing is working like a charm. I'm having an easier time cleaning this up than I ever have before. It's a little unsettling in that I am cutting out HUGE chunks of the novel but they're sections that are not moving the story forward so they have to go. Luckily, a lot of it can be broken out and re-used as background and detail in smaller portions later on. Did I mention I'm the King of InfoDump?

Made the decision to end the first "Clans" book right where I am. I'm doing up a few insert chapters to fill in some more detail, and that should be it. I figure the rough draft to end out at the 180k mark (I'm currently at 170k). After that's done, I let it sit for a month or so, then jump into the OPE for this book as well. I imagine I'll be cutting it down to about 150k. That's a lot of words, dumped but some of it can be moved to the next book or just work as good background. (that's what I'm telling myself so I don't start whimpering!) While that's sitting and stewing, I'll be finishing off another novel (contemporary horror this time) that's at about the 60% mark. I even have two more novels set to run beyond that one. I feel almost like a REAL author!

Once I finish editing GS (hopefully by May 1st) I'll be on the prowl for an agent. That should be a fun adventure! From everything I've read on it, I think it's worth (trying to) get one rather than hoping an editor finds you on the slush pile. I'll keep you posted . . .

On other fronts: I've been trying to get some readership for this Blog, so I've signed up with some search engines, etc. and even started playing with a few memes. I'd like to think I'm not writing this just for myself, but what the hell? I have always liked the sound of my own voice.

According to my Stattracker account, I had thirty people visit me yesterday. Very cool! I hope you guys are enjoying my B.S.! Thank s for stopping in, and please leave a few comments!



SRH said...

I just wanted you to know that I visit daily. I find your blog to be very interesting, and enjoy your ramblings.

It has infact rekindled in me a desire to write. I have always had a few plots running around in my head, but this blog has gotten me interested in getting all my background work done, so I can really start to write.

J.A. Coppinger said...

Thank you!

I'm glad to be of use :-)

Don't give up on the writing, It can be rough going, but I have to believe it's worth it!
