Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Working From Home

Working at home today because of the snow (we got about 8" here)and I have to say, it's a little disappointing from the writing side of things. First off, I always feel like I have to do more when I'm not actually in the office, so my boss doesn't think I was hanging on the couch, eating ice cream, and watching Jerry Springer reruns while collecting a paycheck. (That'd be nice though, wouldn't it?) Anyway, I always push a bit harder when I'm home, so I don't get much writing done. On top of that, I had the kid home today, which is always fun, but it means the few breaks I get from working are spent with him playing and/or fixing meals. There's also the thrown in pressure that since I'm home, the wife will expect laundry done, house cleaned, and dinner cooked when she gets in tonight. (Why she expects that, I don't know - it's been 15 years, she should know better by now!) Right after she gets in, I have to run for back to back meetings tonight for the Boy Scouts. I'm Assistant Scoutmaster for my son's troop. It's a lot of fun (no, I'm NOT kidding, it really is!) but it takes a lot of my time, which the spouse does not appreciate one bit. Between work, scouts, writing, and life in general she feels slighted and put upon from time to time. Can't say as I blame her.

Only managed to squeak in 500 words today (pathetic!) but I'm hoping to get an hour or so in tonight after the meetings so, we shall see...


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