Tuesday, March 29, 2005

It Totally Rocked!

So Jon left a comment on my link to Holly Lisle's take on the Schiavo case yesterday. I could have responded in another comment but I wanted it bumped to the front page because the link he provided here had some fantastic information. Holly also posted a response to some of her e-mails today (warning: it's a bit harsh!) that I thought was pretty interesting.

Jon's links show that Holly was definitely off base with some of her facts (particularly with regard to the CAT scans, etc.), but I don't think that she was "full of crap". While I am no legal expert, even after reading the transcipts of the court decisions I was not convinced that the word of mouth hear-say evidence that was accepted as being "what Terri would have wanted" was sufficient. I am still of the belief that in the lack of absolute evidence, the courts should err on the side of caution and maintain her life support. I am however, convinced by Jon that the "evilness" of her husband Michael has been dramatically and probably unjustly, exagerated by people with their own moral axes to grind. At the end of the day, the courts made this decision, not Michael Schiavo. It all comes down to this: if you don't have a Living Will, get one. Now.

Enough of that, let's on to the exciting . . .

I did over 30 pages of editing on GS last night (Is that a lot? Don't know, but it's a huge amount for this old boy!) Damn funny thing about it: I walked away from it and felt like dancing. I was absolutely thrilled about how the story was coming out. It almost felt like I had just finished reading a really great novel (which, of course, I had!) I have never really experienced that before. The wife kept asking why I had a such stupid grin on my face and I couldn't explain it. To quote my son: "It totally rocked!" (I am saving his preferred: "It totally rocked, out loud!" for the day I actually sell a novel.) Editing (and writing sometimes) is very often a tedious chore for me. Hitting a day like yesterday where I was happier coming out than when I went in, was like a gift from (Insert your preferred divinity here)!!! I even did a good 2000 words or so (handwritten!) of inserts and catch ups. it was a very good writing night.

I need more of those.

I even got some reading in last night before I staggered off to bed. (It beat the hell out of watching "The Bachelor" with the Mrs.! I'm sorry, that has got to be the worst program on TV!) I am actually reading Holly Lisle's "Memory of Fire" (I figgered I owed it to her to pick up a few of her books since her site's been such a huge help to me. It's some really good stuff too. I recommend it to all. If you want to see a remarkable concept for a functional magic system in fantasy - these are the books!) I can't get the 2nd book of the series in any of my local stores, so I'll probably have to order it online. I also picked up "Slaughterhouse Five" (Okay, I admit I've never read it! Now they're going to throw me out of SciFi Geek of the Month Club!) I like Vonnegut, but I've never read what many consider his finest work - go figger!

Busy night tonight - Boy Scout stuff to do so I don't know if I'll get any work on GS in. I need to start work on the Horror Novel next. Maybe I'll pick up on that tonight. For now, I'm letting "Clans" gestate for a bit before I start the edits. I also want to finish GS first. I am NOT editing two novels at once!


1 comment:

J.A. Coppinger said...

Have a fondness myself! LOL.