Thursday, May 05, 2005

A Solid Ass Kicking

Howdy, all.

Sorry for no post yesterday, but the day completely kicked my ass! (I swear, if I didn't know better I'd think Wednesday went on vacation and got Monday to fill in for it!) The seminar I went to was a complete horror. It took me 2+ hours to get there with traffic and 1/2 way through the day the presenters laptop simply died. He couldn't get the damn thing back up so we sat there while he told us about the software we were there to learn how to use. A complete waste of a day. It's a shame too, the software is very cool stuff (Civil 3D & LDD/Map 2006) though I don't expect most of you folks (except for Mr. Hart) to be familiar with it. It took another 2+ hours to get home.

I did get to start the type-in for Godslayer last night (Yay for me!) but I didn't get too far. I was just too damn tired from the day so I cashed it in after about 1/2 hour. Still, it's a start! I did get back onto "Fish" today. I got a solid 2700 words of pretty good stuff. I left it on a point where I can't decide whether to leave the MC's mother as a redeemed character or to let her revert back to the original attitudes that estranged her and the MC to begin with. Ah well, I imagine she'll let me know which way she decides to go tomorrow . . .

I stopped in over at the Crit Circle and got caught up on stuff for Lee & Mel that I'd been behind on. We're starting a separate thread for looking at our synopses & queries. I can't say enough about how useful it is to hook up with other folks who are in the same boat you are. Just knowing you aren't the only loon out there clacking away on the keyboard till all hours is often all it takes to keep you going. The feedback you get from people who understand writing, and the fantasy genre, is head and shoulders above what you get from friends and family. "You need to foreshadow the battle between the MC & the Evil Overlord back in chapter two, before he finds the Weapon of Unimagineable Power" does a lot more for the writing than: "I liked it. The bad guy was funny."

Work is ramping up to present me with a ridiculously busy schedule over the summer. I hope it doesn't interfere with the writing, but no lunch & O.T. will definitely screw up my plans. I'm hoping to get GS done & out the door by June 1st (mark you calendars!) I also want my first round of Agent queries out the door by May 14th. Barring unexpected tragedies, I think those are both do-able time frames. After that the work thing is going to turn ugly and slow me down.

Have to say, the only drawback I see to the regular exercise thing is how tired I've been lately. Tired as in: "I need sleep" as opposed to the: "Blah, I haven't got the energy to move my fat ass out of this chair" tired I had before. Definitely an improvement but I need to get more sleep. Of course, going to bed earlier would mean less writing time, so that ain't gonna happen either. At least I'm sleeping well when I do get to bed. I'm out in a matter of minutes and I don't move until the alarm screams in my ear the next morning. Then it's out of bed, do the exercises, eat a quick breakfast, take a shower and dress, then grab a quick 20 minute nap before heading to work. Why the nap? Damned if I know, but I need it after working out. Something in my system wants to shut down after exercising and it just gets worse if I don't take the nap. I'll be exhausted all day if I don't. A quick power nap does me wonders though. After that, I'm ready to go for the day. Weird, huh? (Would you expect different from me?)



shoes said...

good blog. made my faves list. i'll be back to read more

SRH said...

Actually, it is Mr. Ryan-Hart, I have the big old hyphenated lasty name. No harm, no foul. You guys Bentley or Autodesk?

J.A. Coppinger said...

Thanks, Shoes - I like your rants as well. Just Blog Rolled your site, so you should be on my side bar of links.

SRH - Cool, you get two names! You must be special! We run Acad & MS both, though we're predominantly Acad. We also have a GIS Dept. using ESRI, etc. What about you?

SRH said...

We are primarily MicroStation, but we in the cart group are ESRI and Adobe people.