Monday, May 09, 2005

The Hell of Mondays

I've been thinking about it and I've come to the conclusion that Hell must be one long string of eternal Mondays. No, really. Imagine it: a never ending existence of the most vile day ever created by the twisted Overlord of the Nether Dimension. (Of course, since all Mondays seem eternal, would we notice the difference?)

Enough whining.

Sorry I didn't get to post this weekend (told ya' not to hold the breath!) I forgot all about Mothers Day. (Thank God, I remembered Friday night or I should not be here to type these lovely words of wisdom to entertain you!) I made the mad, last minute, dash to get the cards, presents, etc. for the Mrs. I wound up spending most of the weekend shopping (shoot me now!) and mall hopping with her and the boy. Such events are nearly as hellish as Mondays for the males in this household. We grin-n-bear-it once a year, as a thank you for all the wifey does. (and believe me, the woman does a lot!) My options for Mothers Day are either extensive Landscaping, or shopping. I usually opt for the yard work but it rained here all weekend so it was off to the mall. (sigh.) I did take the boy to see "Hitchhiker" while the wife was bra shopping (hey, I draw the line at standing in the ladies unmentionables stores, alright?) He absolutely loved it. It was just the right amount of silly for an eleven year old.

Called my own Mom for M.D. of course. She's doing fine. I would have driven down to see her Sunday, but she works at the local church as Sacristan. (That's the little old lady who takes care of everything needed to run the church for you non-Catholics out there) It's tough to get down to see her nowadays because she works all weekend and -of course- that's the only time we have available. So, I called her instead. Talked for about an hour. I'll get to see her in a few weeks because my younger brother is getting married (attempt #2). I don't really know the woman he's marrying, I've only met her twice -briefly- but she seems a pleasant enough person. My mom likes her and so do my brother's kids, so that's a good sign. Hope things work well for them.

The shopping this weekend seriously interfered with my type-in work on GS but I did get in a few hours, which let me pump through the first two chapters (which were major re-works so I was actually fairly productive). Today I jumped back into "Fish", with the intention of letting the MC's mother (from Friday's post) revert back to old, evil, ways. Well, she decided she didn't want that. The whole scene turned into a bizarre confrontation with incestuous overtones. (Creepy!) Ya know, whenever I write scenes like this I wonder about my own mental health. I know that writers have to go places they wouldn't go in their own lives to find the truth of a character but sometimes I just creep myself out. Oh well, I imagine I'll survive.

Had fun watching my son yesterday as we were driving all over the state from mall to mall. I have a hard bound (and signed!) edition of the "ElfQuest" graphic novel that covers the first five storylines done by Wendi and Richard Pini. (If you have never read EQ, I can't recommend it enough. The artwork is remarkable and the stories wonderful) The boy brought it with, just to browse through as we drove but he became completely hooked after the first page! He got pissed every time we had to get out of the car. When we finally got home last night, he plopped his butt into the nearest chair and read until bedtime. He was down to the last 20 pages or so of the book and the wife had to threaten him with bodily harm to make him take a shower and hit the hay. I love watching him read like that! The boy is a book addict. (wonder where he gets it?)

I'll wrap with a favorite joke of mine:

Two guys walk into a bar . . . which is really stupid, cuz you'd think the second guy woulda ducked after the first guy hit it !



Anonymous said...

You know, reading this blog, I'm starting to get the idea you don't like Mondays ;).

J.A. Coppinger said...

LOL . . . what was your first clue?