Friday, May 13, 2005

Silly Putty Clowns

It has been Friday the 13th with a vengeance around here! A major artery on the local rail line caught fire overnight, so I don't know if we're going to make it into the city tomorrow. Part of one of the major highways collapsed, so ditto on driving there in any reasonable time limit. The primary DNS server at work has been totally wonky all day, throwing people off for no apparent reason. My system is (yet again!) infected with spyware that none of my killers seem to pick up. And of course, there's just the usual, last minute, Friday dead line crap to deal with. Ah well, a few more hours and I'll be free! Free, do you hear? Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!


Actually, I have some work I need to get done around the house when I get home. Most notably: the hanging of a new door in my bathroom. The family's been using a tacked up sheet but the nieces are coming to stay and I don't imagine they'd be particularly comfortable with that arrangement. (the elder is now 16 and very particular about her privacy, as you can imagine!) I'm not sure she's coming though, there was a conflict between what we had planned and something she was doing with friends. Bummer. She's not a kid anymore & she prefers hanging with friends rather than the boring aunt and uncle. :-( Luckily, her sister is still young enough to find us amusing, so that's a cool thing!

I didn't get to any type-in last night, I cooked dinner then got caught up in a string of long phone calls from friends and family. (how inconvenient for the inner writer!) Even the TV junkie in me was ticked off: I missed most of "The Apprentice" because I was on the phone. Oh well. I did another 2,000 words on "Fish" today. I'm rapidly approaching the big climax wherein one of my two MC's is going to have to die. I've been building it up (lightly I hope) that MC "A" is going to die, while in reality (maybe that should be: "fantality"?) it's MC "B" who cashes in his chips. I'm a bit nervous about that scene. It could come off really cheesy if I'm not careful.

Completely aside here: I am snacking on Butter Snap pretzels right now. Never had 'em before but damn! These things are good! I strongly recommend - but be careful, I can see them being addictive. For the sake of the waistline, buy only small bags!

Speaking of waistlines, the exercise is still rockin' . . . though I think my body shape is a little weird at the moment (okay, weirdER!) I'm losing weight in strange place first, while others remain untouched. I hope to hell this all evens out at some point or I'm going to look like a silly putty rendition of a demented clown. (Okay, I'm not sure about that visual but that's what came out when I typed, so there . . .)

Probably running again all weekend so this will most likely be the only post until the return of THAT-DAY-WHICH-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED! Have a great weekend, folks!



Anonymous said...

I just looked at Silent Bounce, and you're first so far. Well done! I thought you said you weren't a poet ;).

J.A. Coppinger said...

LOL . . .

Believe me I'm not! I always feel inadequate when I read real poetry; all I ever manage is simple stuff with generic rhyme and meter. I don't have any understanding of the high brow stuff, I just tend to write what I feel as it hits me.

I'm totally shocked that I'm in the lead but it's very flattering. Call me a geek, but it's nice to know one of my favorite authors read & liked something I did, ya know?
