Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Sleep, Conversations, and Folding Socks

I'm very tired today.

Boy Scout meeting last night that went until 11:00 p.m. The adult leaders were working on the logistics and materials needed to run several upcoming events as well as our regular monthly meeting, and several boards-of-review (where Scouts earn new ranks) It was a crazy night and I didn't get to bed until after midnight, which is not enough sleep for this sorry old carcass! Ever since I started working out I've been sleeping much more deeply than I have in years (which is good) but it's also harder to get out of bed in the morning (which is not so good) I do feel fine and aware once I get up though (which is another good, so it's 2:1 with the good winning!)

Writing is running fine today, did a bunch of work on "Fish" though I haven't gotten to any of the new work on it yet, I'm still editing/familiarizing myself with the story. I now remember why I have such a hard time with this one. I took a lot of experiences (unpleasant ones) from my own childhood and mixed them into this story. I exaggerated them greatly of course, but the basic emotions are already in place for me and it's really disturbing. I'm also worried about this thing ever being published. There are events in there that my family will recognize, albeit blown out of proportion and context, and I wonder how they'll react? Oh well, can't worry about such things I suppose. They say "write what you know" and I know what it's like to be a scared little kid so they'll have to deal with the fact that it's just fiction.

Working out is going well so far, I'm not sore anymore (just a wee bit shaky afterward) and I can feel a lot more muscle (sadly, most of it is still encased by fat but it's there. . .no, it really is! I swear!) It's balancing nicely with my writing. Doing both in conjunction has made a major difference in my attitude. I am feeling really good about who I am and what I'm doing with my life right now (though, as we all know life can change that in an instant!) It feels like I'm finally in control of myself and moving in the direction I want to go. It's a very nice change of pace for me!

So I have a bit of a conversation running with SRH over at his Under Construction blog. He put up a post about the BSA stance towards homosexuality and I felt the need to comment (I know: you're shocked!) He actually makes some really good points and even though I don't necessarily agree with him I have to say that he definitely makes you think about the situation. Agree or Disagree: he presents a well reasoned argument.

The wife is working late tonight so I should get more done on my GS edits after I do the whole dinner and housework thing. Funny how there are certain things that each of us despise doing. I will gladly cook every night, while my wife hates it. She can go food shopping (or any type of shopping for that matter!) as happy as can be, while I'd prefer to walk over several miles of jagged glass barefoot. Socks are another funny one. My wife does all the laundry, and folds it (though I have to put away my own) except for socks. She flat out refuses to fold the socks into pairs. She'll let those bad boys lay out out on the couch until the Second Coming before she'll touch 'em! It's just a thing. I'm like that with the cats. Won't touch their food, litter, or clean up any "messes" they make. Just not gonna do it. What can I tell you? We're strange but well matched.



SRH said...

Thanks for the plug to my blog. Counter has been running spinning since you blogrolled me.

On a side note, in conjunction with an earlier post of yours about working out... For me exercise is very much like going to church. It is a great habit to get into, but an incredibly easy one to break. The second you skip a workout, you are done=, and it takes a helluva lot of effort to get back into the swing of it.

For example, I was working out every other day, both aerobic and weight training for 8 months straight until one morning when I went to the gym without my exercise bag with a change of clothes etc... Haven't been back since

J.A. Coppinger said...


Thanks, I thought it was just me! That's why I'm a little fanatic about it right now, even to the point of annoying the wife. I get up an hour early every day so I can exercise, etc. and yesterday she wanted me to come back to bed for a few minutes to just snuggle a bit and I had to refuse. She was a little pissed about that but I knew once I did, I'd be out of the loop and have to start back at square one again.

As I said: a lot like writing.
