Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A Dark Story

Finally finished the GS insert chapter I was doing last night. Damn thing ended up at nearly 10k words, a good bit more than I thought it would be but I like what I got, so it stays. I even got in a few pages of line edits, which will hopefully go faster now that I'm done (again!) with inserts. I also managed to finish the read through/edit of "Fish" today. Now I remember why I put the damn thing aside! I left the MC at the climactic point of his childhood memories (they're flashbacks spaced throughout) wherein he is about to explain how/why he and his best friend murdered his older brother. (Told you this was a dark story.) I know why, and I know how, but they are both particularly brutal and stomach wrenching scenes that are going to take a lot of skill to write without coming off like slasher-fic. I need to get the brutality of it all across without the vulgarity (if that makes any sense). Not an easy task but I think my skills may have grown enough over the last six months to give it a try. I'll let you know how it goes.

Got the first Crit from Lee over on FM about my latest chapter. I have proven yet again that I am the Master-of-Run-On-Sentences! As I explained to her (coverng up for my bad writing habits!) I never look back at what I've written as I go, I just try to get as many thoughts on the paper as I can at a time, then go back and fix it in edits. You buying that? No? That's okay, I doubt she will either!

Busy night with the Scouts tonight; doing the whole Court of Honor thing. Don't think I'll get home early enough to do any writing and if I do I will probably just crash on the couch with the wife. The whole chilling-out & snuggling (crap, did I just say snuggle? Well, there goes my membership in the He-Man-Women Haters Club!) is definitely underated. I have learned it is one of the best ways (at least the pg-13 version) of keeping a marriage going strong. It's a very good thing. If you haven't done so with your significant other lately, stop reading this silly little blog & go do so right now!

I'm still exercising every day. It's gotten a lot easier on the muscles. Even when I push my number of reps until my muscles are quivering (Oh, that word!) I don't feel sore afterward. I think I will take that as a sign of progress! I have to actually, since the friggin' scale is not being kind to me at all. The damn thing says I gained two pounds last week. I am telling myself it's all the new muscle I'm developing (It is, it is! It really is!) but it was more than a tad dis-heartening when I climbed onto the scale and it decided to thumb its nose at me. (Accursed device!) There is definitely a lot of new muscle though and I am feeling good, so I'll just have to hope the weight will follow along with the program at some point.

One last thing today, for the writers amongst you . . . is it just me, or does it seem that there is more to the publishing industry than you could ever possibly understand? It seems that every time I think I have a handle on what I'll have to do when I'm published (note the positive thinking there!) I do a little more studying and find out there's more stuff I've never even considered. It's a bit intimidating, dont ya' think? Ah well, I'll worry about it when it happens I guess . . .



SRH said...

Scales are evil products of the Devil. Do not rely on them, what-so-ever. Rely on how you feel. Rely on how much better things fit. Just do not put much credence in the scale. Scales are lying pieces of poop.

J.A. Coppinger said...

Yea, what you said!!!!