Friday, March 17, 2006

Writer on the Roof?

Interesting day today. I sent out some email queries to various Agents (told ya' I was getting serious about that!) and much to my surprise, one of the Agents at the top of my list sent back a reply asking for a partial . . . less than an hour after I sent the query! How cool is that? I know, I know: I'm not getting my hopes up (it's just a partial) but I was really impressed with the speedy answer. The Agent wanted my Synopsis & three chapters, which I promptly sent along. See? It pays to be prepared!

That put a smile on my face today!

Well, back to reality - as I typed this, another agent sent me a rejection. Such is the writing life, eh?

Only 1,000 words today. I was up at early but the words weren't flowing. I must have slept weird or something last night, I woke with a splitting headache and that made the writing today a real effort. Got another chapter edited on "Fish" last night. This one irked me a bit. The story is sound but for some reason I let myself get carried away with the sound of my own voice in this chapter. I had to take a (figurative) machete to the MS! Don't know what the hell I was thinking . . . the use of four words where one sufficed . . .OYYY! (Bad author, bad! No writer treats for you!)

Anyway, busy weekend ahead. Much stuff to do about the house and the boy is camping with the Scouts (leaving me behind . . . I am NOT pleased!) He's thrilled; this is his first trip with the Troop in months. His grades in the first marking period were low (for him) so we pulled him out of Scouts till he squared it away. Second marking period: High Honor Roll, and every subject he went up at least six points in. So, he's back in Scouts and lovin' it. I just hope he doesn't backslide. We shall see . . .

I watched "Fiddler on the Roof" on tv last night while I was editing. I love that film (yea, I'm a sucker for musicals.) the mother/father relationship makes me laugh every time. Even my wife chuckles because they sound so much like us! She finds the wife's total lack of fear for her husband's tantrums hysterical. There is a scene in there that goes something like this (paraphrasing):

Tevye: (screaming and flailing arms wildly) "Don't make me angry, Golda! When I get angry, even the flies are afraid to fly!!"

Golda: (crossing arms over chest and sighing) "Yes, I'm terrified. Remind me after I cook dinner and I'll faint from my fear. Can we go home now?"

Oh yea, that's my wife!!! :-)

The good thing is, she always gives me a kiss and hug when they sing "Do You Love Me?" and guarantees me she does. Works for me. I'm kinda fond of her too.

I realized while watching that last night, that the wife and I are coming up on 20 years together. Considering that I was 20 when we started dating, that will put us at equal amounts of time together/apart. Kinda strange to think on . . . stranger, when I realize that soon, the "together" time will have the upper hand! Where do da' time go?



Pixel Faerie said...

You are one step ahead of me. I finally tried editing my synopsis last night and figured out I have a long way to go to get that right. :)

Congrats on the agent asking for a partial.

SRH said...

Congrats on the partial

Anonymous said...

Congratulations JAC! Keep us up-to-date on what happens with the partial!