Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Writer Brain

I'm having a really good writing week (pauses - knocks frantically on top of wooden desk) so far. Last night, I jumped into edits on "Fish" and cranked through the first three chapters. Gotta say (so far) it's better than I remembered. May actually be my best writing to date. That, kiddies, is why we put the novel away in a drawer for a month or two! I was certain it was all complete crap when I finished the rough. There was a large section in the second chapter I had to kill completely. Oh, I loved the writing . . . the imagery was great . . . it had a beautiful tone . . . but in the end I had to be honest about it. Does describing a boathouse really merit three full pages? (yea, sad to say: I really DID do that!) The answer of course was "NO!" so I cut it all down to a single paragraph. Ah, the joys of editing!

Today was another good writing day - I pulled just under 3,000 words on "First". I'm a little concerned that some of the dialog there was forced but that's why we edit, yes? I'm trying not to get down on myself here . . . I'm in the "slog through it" part of the book (about 60% through) and I'm having to push hard to get the words. It's a temporary thing though. When I get near the end, the words seem to fly as I madly try to tie up all loose ends and great climactic scenes seem to jump out of every crevasse in the twisted little landscape of my brain. With any luck, I can have the rough on "First" done by the end of April (don't quote me on that though!)

The early mornings are working pretty well so far. I'm starting each workday feeling as if I've already accomplished something so I'm feeling pretty good. (Stick around though, this may just be the uphill before the big drop on the rollercoaster that is Jim's psyche!) The body's still bitchin' at me every morning but the grumbles are growing quieter. My brain no longer calls me an ass, it simply huddles sullenly in the corner of my skull (Have I mentioned I have a square head?) and glares at me. I'm pretty sure it'll give up the complaints any day now, won't you brain? (He just flipped me off, and he's still not speaking to me. Brains are so sensitive!)


1 comment:

Krista Heiser said...

Look at you go! It's so nice to read about someone who is actually making some progress.