Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tired and Drunk

Let's make no bones about it kiddies: my fat, old, ass is tired!

I was up late (for me) last night watching the idiot box and didn't get to bed until after midnight. Now, that's late for me (I'm like an old woman, okay?) at any time but with the whole: "Up at 5:00 a.m." thing workin', it damn near killed me to get out of bed today. I am not one of those folks who bounce up chipper and ready to face the day when the alarm goes off. In fact, I think such people should be slathered with honey and staked out on top of ant hills . . . but I digress!

Waking is never easy for me. Never has been. Doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get either. Be it four hours, or twelve, my brain clings to Morpheus' realm like a leech to the backside of three hundred pound cajun fisherman! (and damn, that is one nasty visual!) Even when I was a kid, my mother had to literally tip the bed over some days to get me out of it. So then, you can imagine how happy I was when the alarm went off today . . . but I got up!

Took a shower, grabbed some cereal, and went straight to the writing. Had a 2,000 word day, though I have a feeling a lot of the last three days will end up cut. It feels a lot like filler but it's words and better than nothing. I'm close to a big scene now so it should kick up again over the next few days.

So, we took the Scout Troop to a Board of Education meeting last night so they could learn how local government works . . . what a thrill! (not!) The boys were, however, fascinated with the fast speech and "legalese" that the board members all used. The consensus question of the night: "Why do they talk like that? Things'd go quicker and easier if they spoke english!" Ah, children . . . wonderful purveyors of truth and logic! I did learn a thing or two about what's going down in my town last night. Seems underage binge drinking is a huge problem in my town. Last weekend the police arrested some fifty kids between 13-17 at four separate parties, several of whom had to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Boy, doesn't THAT sound like a fun night out! I was talking with a few of the police and volunteer firemen/first aiders I know and they were saying that the kids are getting dangerously drunk because of things like the hard lemonades, bottled mixed drinks, etc. The sweet stuff. They drink it like it's soda and don't realize how bad it hits until too late. From what they were telling me, this is a larger problem for the girls than the guys . . . seems such drinks are not "manly" so the boys stick with beer and don't get quite as ill. Something for all you folks with daughters to think about.

And on that happy note, I'm bailin'!


1 comment:

Pixel Faerie said...

I have been contempating that if only the house would settle and things would get quiet around here around 4 pm on... I could write then. Instead of waking up early to write fiction, as it is the only chance to write when it is quiet and my mind isn't boggled down with 'stuff'.

Hope all is well now. :) I hate alarm clocks. If it has to wake me up, I'm going to hate it.