Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Happy Me!

Ahhhh . . . a 3,100 word lunch hour today. It's been quite a while since I've had an easy run like that and I'm hoping to get more done at home tonight. Plunged right into "First" today like I hadn't missed a beat. My MC sidetracked into an unexpected childhood flashback that just poured out of me. I'm not sure it's in the right location as far as the novel is concerned but it will appear in there somewhere! It was a nice little scene of the moment when he crossed the line from child to angry teen and his relationship with his father went to hell. It's a pretty inocuous event really, but it affected him greatly. I imagine that's how such things happen to all of us, no?

I'm itching to get back to editing "Clans" and "Fish" and some more world building for "First" I actually need a bunch of maps, sketches, etc. for this piece. I also have some other (mostly silly) stuff I want to work on but I'm stuck until the contractor finishes up. (Yes, he's still dragging ass but I'm not going into the details or I'll just get all pissed off again!) Anyway, once I have an office again (and a drafting table!) I'll be able to really get back to work on building this grand career as an author I've been prattling about for so long! (thanks for your patience, BTW!)

I am also getting back into some diet/exercise routine (yes, AGAIN!) I'm sore at the moment but I feel energetic and . . . "cleaner" somehow than I have in the last few months, and that after only a few days of exercise! I know, I know: I've told you before how exercise always makes me feel better on all fronts. So your asking (reasonably so!) why the hell I keep letting it slip out of my life? That is a really good question, for which I have no good answer. There is something definitely mis-wired inside my big ol' noggin. Hey, here's another odd discovery I made today: remember I mentioned I've been listening to the Blues a lot? Guess what?


I know, you're saying: "Well, DUH!" and I agree whole-heartedly. I love the music but I find that I have no energy or desire to do much of anything creative when I'm listening to it. Today I went back to my 80's rock station and the words just came a-flowin'! Is everyone that apt to having their brain function distorted by such a minor thing or am I just some sort of psychological basket case? (Hey, I heard that and I know where you live, damn it!) It seems ridiculous that such small things can screw with me. I also have problems when I drink diet sodas (it's the artificial sweeteners!) I hate the damn things to begin with (taste like crap!) but I would drink them whenever I was dieting and I always thought the depressions I'd slip into were because of the diet itself, ya' know? Then I read an article on one of the major medical sites that claimed those sweeteners could cause depression in some folks and I cut them out. Two days later I felt fine and I never had a problem with dieting again (other than, you know . . . the actually losing weight part!) Is it me? Is it the world? Is it Karma or some grand cosmic plan?

Nah, just me I guess.

So, today I feel good. I'm eating well, exercising, and actually putting words on the paper. The wife and I are not fighting, the boy is doing better on completing his school assignments and his test grades are excellent. If I could just get the damn house finished, life would be pretty close to perfect! (Well, I DO still have to work: which is never fun, and the Christmas bills are coming, and tax season, and I'm not published, and . . . well, you get the idea.) All-in-all though, I'm a pretty happy camper today.

I can live with that.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,
Welcome back! I've missed you! Had quite an interesting 2 days and tomorrow, when I have the energy, I'm going to bore the hell out of you with it. For now, I'm over an hour late getting home from work, Rose Bowl I think it was, so I have to get some sleep.
Happy that you're happy!
-c h e r y l-