Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Blind Typing!!

Okay, folks, fair warning today: I am writing this post blind.

No, I am not exaggerating, I just got back from the eye Dr. and the eye drops they used to dilate my eyes have left me the next best thing to blind. I can't really see what I'm typing. The words are all just a large blur so I'm not responsible for any typos or spelling today. This is really bizarre! I'm so sensitive to light that I can't even look at the screen . .I have to look at the keyboard as I type this (which is helping actually, because the letters are so big!)

I did get a bit of wirting done today, a few hundred words and I'm hoping that once these damn drops wear off I'll get some more in tonight. I'm at a cool place in "First" right now. My MC has finally managed to completely win over the troops he's in charge of. He's taken them from planning his murder when he first arrive, to cheering him nd devotion. I like the way he grew in that role and I want to finish out the big turning point scene.

Anybody else get excited by their own writing like this? I love it when I read back over my words and it all plays out nicely in my head like a film. I'm pretty good at doing that - reading differently as a reader and a writer, even for my own stuff. I try to read everything I do from each POV. Once for technical issues, then as a reader to make sure it flows and there are no jarring breaks in the narrative. Bottom line is I'm an egotist (surprise) I really love the sound of my own vice, even when it's on paper!

Anyway, typing this is giving me a headache. I need to close my eyes and let this crap wear off. Talk at ya' tomorrow!



Nienke Hinton said...

Good job on the typing blind. I'm also at a turning point in my story, but I'm a little scared of it. My character has to travel back in time, but I'm not sure how to cause the travel. So, I'm writing scenes out of order now to keep going.
I'm also doing a lot of character development with Holly Lisle's character book. It has given me some good ideas for direction of scenes and what to include/not include.
Good luck with the writing!

Pixel Faerie said...

I still grin at my first novel and how a certain character made me smile by a quirky comment or how things just sort of melded together. Like melted cheese.

I hate those eyedrops they use too. Bleh.

SRH said...

Hope you un-dialate soon.

So the majic word that blogger is using for word verification for this comment is "peyote"

is blogger trying to tell me something?