Thursday, September 01, 2005

Let It All Go

Been watching the news & all the pix of the Gulf Coast . . . Christ, it's awful. Your heart can't help but go out to those people. I do have to say though, that I can't agree with the constant talk of rebuilding these communities. Why rebuild in an area that's going to see the same thing happen again? Oh, it may be a long time besides something of Katrina's ferocity hits again, but it will happen. Why spend billions to demolish and rebuild a dead city when you can relocate these people elsewhere and give them better lives? I know it's their home, but there are places in this country that are desperate for an influx of new people to boost their economy. My wife was telling me last night aobut several towns in the mid-west that are giving away land to encourage people to immigrate to their area. Maybe it's time to let go of the past and move these unfortunate folks on to something better. Holly had a post yesterday that I thought was particularly apt about the international response to the Katrina disaster.

This isn't a political blog, but I have to say I'm getting pretty damn fed up with the way the world treats this country. We are always trying to help everybody and all they do is get pissed off and blame us for not doing enough; but when we need them? You can hear the crickets chirp. I'm starting to think it's time for us to go back to being isolationists. Screw the rest of the world. Let them all -including the entire Middle East- take care of their own problems from now on. We'll stay quietly here inside our borders and see how they make out, okay?

Anyway, just my $0.02

So, my wife did the mail merge for me last night on the agent queries. All I need to do is print 'em up, put them in the envelopes, put on postage, and they're away! (butterflies in the stomach just typing those words!) I was travelling for work yesterday so no writing at lunch. I'm on the road again today, so any work will have to be done at home tonight. Probably not much on "First", I'll be doing the queries instead. Anyway, gotta run.


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