Friday, September 09, 2005

On a Roll

Man, am I have a great writng day!

I knocked out 1,600 words on "First" last night (which was cool considering I had to really force myself to sit & do it) Then I actually had time to write at lunch today (last minute cancellation of my planned travel) and I thoroughly kicked ass!!! 0ver 3,500 words! Total of 5,100 words in under 24 hours? Yea, I'll accept that any day. Were the words good? I have no idea, I don't read what I write. I've found that if I go back and look at what I've done it slows me down too much. I start seeing little flaws, making corrections, and before I know it: I've lost the thread of the story and I'm done. Instead, I write with Word (yes, I use the MS beast!) in a small window where I can't see anything more than the last paragraph I've typed in. That's usually enough to catch any spelling or grammar errors before they scroll out of sight. I never read what I did at the end of the day either. The most I'll do is go back 3-4 paragraphs when I start each day, just to remind me of where I am in the story, then jump right into the typing. So, I don't know if the writing is any good but I do know I'm having a lot of fun writing this one and I'm not going to tempt the Fates by asking for anything more. If it sucks, I'll get it during edits (that's what they're for, after all!)

Here's an interesting thing: on the auction being held to benefit author Larissa Ione I noticed that the bids on agent and editor critiques of manuscripts are far outpacing the writer's critiques with one notable exception (as of this writing): Holly Lisle! Holly is currently topping the list hands down. I have to say, I'd love to place a bid on Holly's offer myself, but it's already over $100 and the wife would no doubt have a stroke, even though it is for a good cause. We've already given heavily to the Katrina relief funds and with the home renovation looming (still no word from contractors, BTW!) cash is on the tight side. Would be nice though.

Tonight is family night, we'll be hanging quietly at home and playing board games. I thought this was kind of a goofy idea when my wife first proposed it. Seemed kind of: "new-age-touchy-feely" to my archaic ass, ya' know? I was wrong though, it's turned out to be a lot of fun. The boy is determined to beat me at all costs (sadly he never does!) and does the Happy-Snoopy-Dance every time he gets one up on me. It's funny as hell to watch. The wife has simply decided that I cheat at all times (sour grapes!) and that's why she keeps losing. Tonight she is planning Tri-ominoes, which I have never played before. It is her attempt to dethrone me: she has (in the far distant past) defeated me at games like Rummikube, etc. that deal heavily with numbers (never my strong suit!) I try to steer towards games like Scrabble, where I can humiliate and crush all competition . . . um, I mean: where we can enjoy quality family time!

Well, the weekend is lurking so I probably wont be back until the "M"- day. (hush, never say it out loud! It might hear you!) With a little luck, I'll get some more work in on "First" and who knows? Maybe I'll start getting some responses back from my queries.



Jean said...

Tri-Ominoes is a fun game. I hope you enjoyed it. Our family favorite is multi-handed Solitaire. We work together to see if everyone can win. Nothing like four or five people sitting around a table with everyone playing on everyone else's aces. (It helps to have cards with different backs to sort out the decks after each hand.)

I grew up loving board games. Periodically, I lament that hubby doesn't feel the same way about them. At least he likes jigsaw puzzles. That's one of our favorite things to do together.

J.A. Coppinger said...

I haven't done a puzzle in years! I used to do them all the time with my dad when I was growing up. Thanks for the idea, I'll grab one to work with my boy!
