Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ensuing Craziness

Did I write that after the New Year things were going to calm down and I could try developing something approachinga normal life? Yea, okay. That worked out just frakkin' ducky!!! (what WAS I thinking?)

Not had a free moment at work or at home since the holidays ended. Been training every single day and running to appointments every night. Tonight will be just as bad, have to cancel out Scouts because The Boy has a "group project" (yay!) he has to do with another kid, after which we have to go over to his school for High School orientation. Madness! Madness, I say! We'll have to postpone dinner till after the orientation program and that means not eating until 8:30 or so (not good for my gentle constitution!) then getting back home with just enough time to let The Boy breathe for a few minutes before I toss his butt in bed so he's not exhausted for school tomorrow.

Writing total = 0.00

Haven't written, edited, or even thought of same in almost three weeks now. I hope I'll have some more free time next week (hope springs eternal, they say) I would tell you about the good things that have been happening, but off-hand I can't think of any. Of course, I can't think of anything bad either. Right now I'm just in "what's next?" survival mode. Gotta bail, trainees to tend to (that's T-R-A-I-N-E-E, Mr. SRH!) I'll be back when I'm back . . .


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
