Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My Game Show

As you all probably know by now, I live in NewJersey, which (according to MSNBC) is about to becomes: " . . . the gay wedding chapel" of the United States. Now, as a lifelong resident of NJ I'd like to give you an idea of how most NJ Residents feel about this issue:

We don't give a damn!

Listen, most folks here in the Garden State support gay marriage. (Most folks I know do, and polls place the number at about 60% in favor of) Why is this even a discussed issue? How does two people (of any sex!) getting married in any way lessen, threaten, or invalidate my own wedding vows? Let's look at the question here from a "traditional" standpoint in a lovely game I like to call:

FAMILY FEUDAL! (Oh, c'mon! that's clever!)

Question #1: The Wife and I love each other. Is it alright for us to marry? (100 people polled . . . number one answer is . . . YES ding-ding-ding!!!)

Question #2: Does anyone wanna hear the details of our sex life? (Answer says . . . GOOD GOD, NO!!!!!)

Question #3: Well, The Wife and I can't have children. Is it okay if we still get married and have sex anyway? (Survey says . . . Sweet Jesus, Man! Yea, sure . . . do whatever you want just never-ever-never bring up the subject of your sex life again!)

Question #4: How about if, since we're married, we pay our taxes together and name each other beneficiaries on our insurances? (Umm . . . the IRS says no survey needed. Answer is always: YES!)

Final Question: We're not Christian and we won't be married in a church. Does that mean our marriage doesn't count? (Final answer, for the whole enchilada: an all expenses paid vacation to the corner grocery store! 100 people surveyed . . . Answer is: What are you, Jim, some kinda dumb-ass? Nearly 40% of the people in this country are married by judges and mayors. Religion is a personal matter, not a legal one! Of course your marriage counts!)

Well, there you have it folks. I'd win on Family Feudal! Of course, if I were a woman looking to marry The Wife, a huge chunk of folks in this nation would give different answers to those simple questions. That's predjudice, bigotry, and hate any way you slice it. People should marry whoever they damn well please and everyone who opposes them should drink a nice big glass of: "shut the fuck up!" The NJ Supreme Court is supposed to hand down a decision on this today and I hope they do the right thing and afford everyone equal rights under the law. Will this make all the gay couples in the nation move to NJ? I doubt it, but even if it does: what the hell do I care? I don't know what my current neighors do in their bedrooms, nor do I want to. Marriage is marriage. It's two people deciding to build a life together.

In legal terms: a partnership. The law is very explicit on the fact that you can't bar ANYONE from being part of a partnership. Why is this topic still being discussed? It should have ben shot & left for dead years ago.

Anyway, that's my rant for the week. Tomorrow: back to my usual drivel.



SRH said...

I am with you there Jim. If 2 homosexual people want to get married, more power to them. Misery loves company I say. Currently the stereotypical view of homosexula life is that of hedonism and debauchary. Well if 2 people of the same sex want to commit their lives together and doom their sex life to quasi-occassional "because were are supposed to" sex, well, who am I to stop them? Misery loves company I say!

Ummm... just kidding, Wifey.

Wifey, please don't hurt me

Spilling Ink said...

Hey Jim, you know that concern you had over genre? Go to and check out the video interview with Stephen King titled - A Novel Approach! A must see. Tell me what you think.

I'm still thinking on NaNo.

Spilling Ink said...

Hi Jim! I went back to yahoo to see the video again, but it was already gone. If you didn't see it, it was King talking about his new release being marketed as a love story. I can't wait to read it.