Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Quickie

Hey, how goes it?

It’s the usual amount of nuts here but what can you do? Went to Vermont over the weekend for a wedding. Wedding was nice enough (if you like that sort of thing; which I don’t!) The Wife and I did get to spend Friday night and all day Saturday to ourselves, just browsing little shops and eating a few good meals. That’s always cool. The Wife and I don’t get a lot of chances to just hang, ya’ know? Strangely, after nearly twenty years together we still just like knockin’ around together and B.S.ing . . . strange, no?

I’m trying to shift my life around (yet again!) with regard to health, writing, and general downtime. It’s not an easy thing. Lifestyles are very resistant to change it seems (who knew?) Still, I’m pushing at a dramatic change at the moment that I hope will make a big difference. I don’t want to go into it right now but I’ll let you know how it works out. Or if it doesn’t . . .

Writng? Non-existent yet again. Life is conspiring to stop me from being the next Stephen King (or maybe it’s Mr. King himself! Maybe he’s afraid of my amazing literary skills and is using dark magic to try and keep me down!! Or . . . maybe not.) Oh, BTW: thanks to you folks who left comments on my last post. Glad you enjoyed it. As requested by Lynn (my first official fan!) :-) I will try to get up a section of “Fish” for your reading enjoyment. (Or at least something you can scoff at that will make you feel better about your own writing abilities. I’m cool, either way . . .)

Anyway, busy at work so I gotta run.



Anonymous said...

You're posting from FISH?! Awesome! I'll be waiting (no pressure). Lynn

SRH said...

I did not mention it earlier, but I did enjoy the exurpt.

I hope things settle down at work for you, it sounds like they have been going absolutely nuts for a good long while.