Monday, May 22, 2006


So, we embark upon a new week and Monday (bitch that she is!) endeavors to wreak her usual and misery upon the poor souls of the working masses. She is largely succesful (as always) but sadly for her, she finds in me an unimpressed and jaded victim. After the last few weeks, today seems almost like a vacation day in comparison! (I really shouldn't say that . . . It's just begging for abuse from Fate . . . but I figure: WTF?)

Good weekend actually. The boy went camping (sadly, without me!) and The Wife and I spent two uninterrupted days working on the house. Now, being the clever readers that I know you all are: you're either wondering:

A. How did I survive the multiple murder attempts in order to write this blog?
B. Where did I hide her body and how long until I have to flee the country?

Now, those are both reasonable questions when you consider how nicely The Wife and I work together. Ah, but we struck upon a brilliant plan this weekend! We worked for hours without ever once fighting, nor even aggravating each other. How can this be you ask? (well, ok, I know you didn't really ask but play along, 'kay?) Did we find a new and more effective means of communication? Did we make a personal commitment, based on the strength of our relationship to treat each other with respect and understanding?

Hell no!

She worked in the basement while I worked upstairs. We figured distance could accomplish what love and understanding had failed at so miserably. Worked like a charm, too! (Kiss that, Dr. Phil!) We did get a lot done this weekend. We both busted our humps.

So, on the writing front I think I've run up against something of a problem on "First". It currently stands at about 130,000 words and I realized as I was doing some backtracking -looking for a particular place name- that I have way too much going on here to keep in my head. A few (dozen!) things caught my eye as I was searching through the MS and I was kinds like: "Holy crap! Who the hell put that in there? I don't remember writing that!" The good news is it was all good stuff; nice plot twists and foreshadowing, etc. but I need to get som better organization in place to tie it all together. I am this far into the book and now I have to go back and do some solid world building to make sure I'm keeping it all "real". I've written before about how sloppy I am wth world building . . . I tend to fly by the seat of my pants but this book is already pushing out into an epic scope. I have entire chapters and references to cities, religions and cultures that I know nothing about. That is not gonna work. I'm going to have to go back and re-read "First" from page one (something I never do while still writing the rough draft!) making lots of notes as I go and organizing the sub-plots. See, what originally starte as a simple story with one MC and a love interest has become a multi-character book with six or seven distinct plot lines that will all intersect at a key point. Some of them are epic in scale, with backstory that leads back nearly five millenia . . . OY!

Much work to do before I continue on with the words.

Last minute crazies at work (See? NEVER tempt Fate!) gotta run!



Anonymous said...

One day I will be able to have a full manuscript to revise. One day. I take it you don't find worldbuidling fun?

J.A. Coppinger said...

Worldbuilding is fun . . . for a while. My track record tells me I'm good with it for about a week and then it just becomes tedious. I start feeling like I'm wasting my time with things I don't need intead of actually writing.

This time though, I KNOW that the things I'm detailing will come into play, so I'm hoping it'll work out.

As for your MS I have full faith in you! You'll get it done, just don't give up.
