Thursday, May 18, 2006


Hello, kiddies!

Well, I actually got some WRITING done today at lunch! (woo-frikkin'-hoo!) Not much, just 1,000 words or so but it was the first thing I've written in almost a month so it felt DAMMMMMMMMN good! It was needed too, the rest of my day has been nuzzling at the shriveled nether-regions of a deceased tortoise. I swear, there are days when you sit at your desk and realize the only feasible course of action would have been to call in sick. (Of course, by the time you realize that it's too damn late. The whole concept of time proceeding in a linear fashion sucks, and I'm holding God personally responsible for my bad day! If he'd have planned better, time would be interchangeable -like Lincoln Logs- and I'd have been able to put the decision to call out into play before I ever got to work!)

Ah well, since The Almighty failed to consult with me prior to enacting Creation (Big mistake on his part, BTW!) I'll just have to suffer through. The writing does make me feel better. I can at least look back on one part of my day and feel that I did something worthwhile. Tonight, I have to help the boy finish up a school science project. He has to get it done tonight or else we're not letting him go camping with his Boys Scout Troop this weekend. I have to say: I have a problem with the size, scope, and number of assignments his teachers hand out. Better than half the projects need 2-3 days of work and almost always require him to meet up with a schoolmate: outside of school. This is totally unfair. For parents who work, the weekends are the ONLY time we have to spend with our kids and he winds up spending most weekends trying to create the pointless-craft-project-du'jour with some kid he barely knows from his science class. I am not a big fan of homework (can you tell?) I think that a full school day is enough academic work. I don't see why the kid has to spend two hours each night and 8-12 hours every weekend doing more. Let them have some time ot be kids, will ya? (Not to mention, it's MY lazy ass has to get up early on a Sunday to run him wherever he's gotta go!) Ah well, I'm sure we'll get the project done tonight and he'll have a good weekend.

Well, it's back to the pleasures of work for moi'!



Anonymous said...

You wrote today! I'm so happy for you. Maybe even inspired. I may have to do the same.

J.A. Coppinger said...


Even bad words are better than NO words! Go put something down on paper! :-)

Besides, I'm sure they'll be GOOD words.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo on the word count! I know just how you feel. And, I totally agree about the homework thing. I can understand a little homework to teach kids responsibility, but hours and hours? Unh unh.