Thursday, December 02, 2010

Round Three?

Well, Here I am again!

Wow, can't believe it's been over a year since I posted here. Can't even begin to tell you where it's gone, or what I've been doing. Just been living life, I guess (shrugs the author, non-commitedly). I stopped by here the other day on a whim and started reading this blog from the beginning . . . amazing how much I've changed (and how much my life has changed!) over the last six years! We'll have to talk about that (ya' know: assuming anyone ever stops by here again).

In the meantime, yes, I changed the title here once more because the blog is neither about me as a writer (aka "A Novel Approach") nor is it about me as a Soldier Medic (aka "A Medic's Journey") this blog is about me, and that entails both and neither of the above, depending on which way the wind blows on any given day. :-)

Stick around . . . maybe I'll be interesting, enlightening, or entertaining!

(Don't count on any of the above though.)



Jean said...
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Jean said...

Fascinating to reflect upon our journeys, isn't it?

(Deleted the other post to obliterate a typo -- hopefully, I haven't introduced any new ones!)