Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'm a skinny(er) MoFo!!

Hey, y'all! (amazing that I can start a post with those words having been born and raised in The Garden State, no?)

Things are cool hereabouts - called out of work sick yesterday: unpleasant digestive issues (polite phrasing, yes?) kept me up all night Sunday and I was whooped come Monday a.m. Of course, it WAS a Monday, which made it that much easier to just stay in bed! Not that such a thought would influence my decision making process . . . much. :-) I'm happily back at work today, feeling just fine, thanks for asking! The Wife is feeling much better as well, still a little stiff in the neck but other than that she's her usual happy self (read: she's back to happily bitching at yours truly!) Thanks to everyone who sent her good thoughts.

So, get this . . . the diet I was talking about last week? The one I had little hope was actually going to do anything? (I mean, come on! "LOSE TEN LBS. IN THREE DAYS!" What, you gonna send me some Ginsu knives with that for free?) Well, butter-my-ass-and-call-me-a-biscuit if I didn't drop ten frikkin' ponds in three days!! (I really don't know what's up with all the country references today, but let's just roll with it, 'kay? it'll pass soon, I promise!) I was absolutely floored. Four months of eating a vegetarian diet and exercising daily did nothing and this stupid program does the trick. Who knew????

Well, obviously the SFC who gave it to me knew. He told me I just needed to do something to "shock" my system a bit, that the body acclimates itself to just about any regular pattern and learns to use its energy more efficiently to STOP weight loss. Mighty handy from an evolutionary standpoint, but damn frustrating if your a lard-ass like me looking to drop some poundage! It's a fairly simple program: you do the diet for the three days, then go back to eating normally (i.e. like a normal person, no triple cheeseburgers, etc.) for the next four days and then you can do it again. Potentially, I can lose up to 40 lbs. in a month if the damn thing keeps working. How cool would that be? If I drop 40 lbs., I'll be golden! That will take me down to well under the Army weight tables and make my time in BCT soooooo much easier. I'll let you know if it keeps working or if it's a one-off kinda thing. I won't be able to go back on it until next Sunday because I have a family reunion this weekend and my ass WILL be eating well and drinking a few beers (Ok, maybe more than a few . . .) What I really like about this diet is that it wasn't one of those "water loss" type of diets, you know what I mean? The kind where you spend half of each day in the restroom "purging"? Nothing of the kind: it was actually easy on the system, all the food is very good for you (if not exactly the most appetizing stuff.) and there's plenty of it.

I am still having pay issues with the Army. I haven't gotten paid for my last two drills yet. I'll have to call my Platoon Sgt. again and bug him. I don't know why this is such a problem, the officer I spoke to said it was a simple change . . . ah well, what can ya' do? I also still need to get out to the nearest Fort and get my formal military ID. There never seems to be enough time to get it done at drill, so I'll do it on my own. Maybe when I take off for my next Dr. appointment on the ankle. I need to take off to get an x-ray done a few days before anyway so maybe I'll do both the same day. The ankle is fine but a little stiff right now. I walked three miles this a.m. (and jogged for a few dozen yards, which I'm not supposed to do, but I wanted to see what I was gonna be up against) It didn't hurt at all but the muscles ain't used to the running anymore so they're a little stiff. No biggie.

I have a Scout meeting tonight to discuss some issues that came up at the Summer Camp. This was the first major outing for the adult leaders who ran the program and it seems some of the older boys tried to take advantage the situation and pull some very un-scout-like crap. So, tonight we get together and discuss ramifications for their behavior. :-) Teenagers never change do they? It's just funny because the stuff they did, they would NEVER have considered if either I or any of the more experienced scout leaders were there. Silly kids, tricks are for rabbits!



Spilling Ink said...

Hey, Skinny! If you want to tell what exactly the diet is, I would LOVE to pass it along to the husband. His weight loss has ground to a halt as well. The man doesn't even take his vitamins. I need to help him think of something as I kinda like having him around.

Anonymous said...

OK, hate to be a wet blanket, but do the math. You're striking for medic, right? Well tehn, you porbably already know the math. A pound of fat is ~3500 calories. To lose 10# its necessary to have a calorie deficit of 35,000 (35K or thirty-five-thousand calories)!!! Is it even realistic to expect that you can do that in 3 days? I don;t doubt the weight loss, if you say the scales showed you 10# lighter, I'm sure it did. But as someone going into the medical field, you know that most of that had to be fluid loss. And I'm sure you know (or will learn) how debilitating dehydration can be.

If you want a program that can work ( if you follow it) try Weight Watchers. YOu can do WW for men on-line or attend meetings. I'm attending meetings (only man in my group for the past 3 months -- not too bad!!) and I've lost nearly 25# over that time. Combination of portion control, modifying what I'm eating and trying to get more and regular exercise. I'm a 54 y/o office worker, so sedentary best describes my normal routine. Unless I manage to get in a good workout before I head off to the office, its butts in chair time! So exercise ain;t going to cut it by itself. Modifying the intake is the only way, and doing it in a sustainable fashion only makes sense.

Try it. Best wishes whatever you do.