Friday, December 08, 2006

Senile Christmas

The weekend is almost upon me . . . YAAAYYY!!!!

It's been a long, crazy, week at work. Training seminars, meetings, problems . . . hell, I even actually had to TALK to my boss! Luckily that only happens every 2-3 months (yea, that's pretty cool!) I will say it's nice to have a job where nobody messes with me. I do what I want, when I want, the way I want (ya' know: usually!) so I shouldn't bitch (and yet, I still do!)

Been working on the revisions for "Fish" the last few days. It's going pretty well. The edits (so far!) aren't as extensive as I thought they were. The book moves quicker than I remembered, with a nice mix of human insight and action. I'm liking it.

On the homefront: The Boy is hurting my head. Keeps getting himself grounded by doing things he flat-out knows better than to do. If he keeps it up, he'll be grounded through the entire holiday season! He's already made it from Thanksgiving till now, with only two days of freedom before he tanked it yet again. OY! It's gotta be the age . . . the whole puberty thing has to be short-circuiting his brain. Right now, his girlfriend, friends, and cousins are ALL pissed at him because his punishments keep killing all the plans they've made together. C'est la Vie!

Did I mention I did me some woodworking last weekend? I made up a mantle for above my fireplace and caprails for some knee-walls and such. It's the first time I've ever used a router or did any kind of detailed finish work like that. It was fun! I can see how folks take it up as a hobby. Lot of coolness there. The Wife's been staining all the stuff I made this week (done that before: not so much fun!) so I can put it all in this weekend. That's the goal: to get the bulk of the trim work completed so that the place will look pretty well finished for Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, the upcoming holiday has managed to highlight my advancing years for me. The Wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas last night and I opened my mouth to answer, only to realize I'd completely forgotten what it is I want. Been rackin' my head all day to recall, but no luck. Shame . . . it was a really cool thing to0! Damn, it sucks getting old! My brain (what little I started with!) is rapidly turning to mush. I figure by the time I hit fifty, The Wife will have to spoon feed me and put me on one of those kid-leashes when we go out so I don't wander away. (Mwahahah! That will be my final revenge upon her!) It's bizarre though, I mean: who the hell FORGETS what they want for Christmas? I'm thinking there's a bit too much chlorine in my family's gene pool, ya' know?

Okay, I know what you're all thinking: "Damn, what a dull post!" Well . . . okay. I did warn you though that December was my zero-stress, zoning out month. Hard to rant when you're being all Zen and shit. See, now that's funny to me . . . mixing words like "Zen and "shit" in the same sentence tickles my funny bone. I'm a little odd that way. Okay, I'm a little odd in a lot of ways . . . but it was very rude of you to point that out! I mean, I may be getting senile but I've still got feelings here! Don't laugh at the crazy old man . . . especially you, SRH! You ain't that far behind me son! ;-)


1 comment:

SRH said...

Whoa! Hold your horses there old-timer. I love paradoxical phrases like "all zen and shit." They are difficult to come up with and yet quite enjoyable. My favorite is one from my new fam (mother-in-law to be exact), "pituresque as hell." Cracks me up every time I hear/see/type it. If that is getting senile, I am waaay ahead of you.

Although I have to say I am quite glad Little Man is going through his effin' threes instead of his teens. I feel for you there. I taught a Sunday school class full of 13 and 14 year olds. Almost put a bullet in my head by the time I was done. I am not looking forward to Little Man being that old.