Monday, September 11, 2006

Moons, Dogs, and Food

Monday . . . the word is an olde English corruption of "Moon Day" and moon (as we all know!) is another word for ass. Hence, even the ancients knew that this day could kiss my frikkin' ass!

Very tired today. I was up late last night watching the Giants be robbed of their first victory of the season by a complete dumb-ass of a ref who made what may have been the worst call in NFL history. (Can we tell I'm not a very happy camper when my Giants lose?) Another trainee today, so work's been very busy. NOT what I want to hear on a Monday!

Anyway, the weekend was a lot of fun. I did a lot of cooking for the family on Saturday and the food seemed to have gone over fairly well (as evidenced by lack of same at end of evening!) I really like cooking for other folks . . . it's tough at home because The Wife eats four (maybe five) different things and that's it. The Boy is getting better about trying new stuff but if it's something he don't like the look of, he's gotten smart enough to say: "I'll try it if Mom will!" and knows he's not gonna have to. (Smart little bastard!) My family however, loves trying weird crap, so I got to experiment to my heart's content. It was a cool day; nobody split till near midnight so I figger they had a good time.

Yesterday, we did a late breakfast and spent a "family day" (just the three of us) which was also very cool. We actually went out looking for a dog. The Wife and I have been disagreeing over THAT particular subject for months now. She wanted a small dog and I (of course!) wanted a behemoth that would take up 1/2 my living room (Hey, size matters, OK?) The Boy just wanted a Labrador. We looked into pure breeds, etc. but The Wife really wanted to rescue a dog from the ASPCA (she's cool that way), so we went to a few of those instead. We found a really calm Lab/Mix that's a bit smaller than a purebred (to make The Wife happy), but still looks like a Lab (to keep The Boy happy!) and is still large enough to give anyone messing with either of them pause (which makes ME happy . . . which is, after all, the important thing!) We put in an application for adoption on him and should hear back in a day or so. I hope we get him, he was a really friendly, relaxed dog.

Got me some editing done on "Fish" over the weekend too (Yay, for me!) but no new writing, which is alright since my schedule frees me up on the weekends for house and/or family time. Tonight, I want to get "Slayer" out to two more agents and I will be getting in my 1200 words on "First".



Spilling Ink said...

Good job on your writing schedule, Jim, and I hope you guys get that dog. That would be nice!

J.A. Coppinger said...

Sally - The Boy is too damn clever by half. He is entertaining as hell though . . .

Slayer is about a guy who guy who spends his day killing gods and his nights drinking and whoring.

Yea, that about sums it up. :-)


SRH said...

soooo, is "Slayer is about a guy who guy who spends his day killing gods and his nights drinking and whoring." in your inquiry letters? Might get the agents to cut to the chase faster, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Kudos on the writing front, Joe. As for labs as protectors, maybe if you consider licking and tail wagging weapons!
Great dogs tho. Are you near water? They LOVE the water.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I'd like to add that I adopted a rescue dog too. She's an angel, came fully trained (which I have since undone). Everyone I know that has a rescued dog says they always act as though they are grateful for the second chance.