Friday, April 28, 2006

A Brief Word From Our Sponsors

Ahh . . .

A short moment of respite from the ongoing madness of Planet Work. (I'm not really here, you know. I just took Nienke's advice and stepped inside the holodeck for a few moments. I'm still stuck beneath the shitstorm!)

I've been training and troubleshooting non-stop for two weeks now, with one more (at least!) still to go. In early, and home late every night. Good thing is: the training is going well so far and the rollout (May 8th) is looking good. After that I should be back to some type of normalcy in my lfe (I hope!)

Good things: yesterday was "Bring Your Rug-Rat To Work Day" so I brought my son along. It was very cool. Having him there made the day more fun and he had a really good time. He's (sadly) impressed by what I do for a living. He learned all about surveying, civil engineering, and CAD work yesterday and he enjoyed it. It's a very cool feeling to know your kid appreciates what you do.

Other good things: well, one good and one sort-of good . . . The sort of good was that I got a reply from my last partial request on "Slayer". It was a rejection, but it was a personalized one with some really nice comments from a big-name agent, so that wasn't too bad. The actual "good" news is that I recieved another request for a partial from the agent at the very tip-top of my dream list! How cool is that? (well, not nearly as cool as her taking me on I guesss, but still pretty damn cool on the "wannabe" meter!) I'm dropping the partial in the mail after work today so think some good thoughts at me, will ya?

Actual writing work is still on hold until the shitstorm passes but I am trying to do a little editing (very little to be honest) which is all I have the energy for at the moment. Who knows? Maybe the break will be a good thing for me. Do Muses need vacations? Don't know, but mine's getting one wether she wants it or not. (Yea, I know it's odd for a guy to identify with a female muse but if you're just figuring out that I'm odd, you haven't been reading this blog very carefully, now have you?)

Anyway, the power from my tricorder is fading and the holodeck image is starting to sputter. Seems like it's time to get back out into the shitstorm again . . .



SRH said...

I am quite afeared that my little one will eventually think that what I do is cool. When I know it is insanely boring.

Anonymous said...

Hey, no shitstorming on the weekend!

Anonymous said...

If you were pushing dope on the corner or burglarizing homes, I'd worry about your kid being impressed with what you do. Otherwise, I think it's cool that he thinks what you do is worth being impressed about.

My dad was my hero for many, many years. He's become very human to me in recent years, and a part of me misses that awe I used to have for him. Of course, it was unrealistic. No guy, even a dad, could live up to that expectation, and my dad did for a very long time.