Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why Post #3

Ok, this will be the last of my “Why” series (cuz it’s starting to get WAY too whiny and preachy!) – and I call it the PRIVATE WHY!

Am I the only one who feels the need to DO something with their life? The need to make a serious difference that only I can make? The need to add something to society that is uniquely ME? Maybe not . . . maybe I am (as The Wife tells me) just frikkin’ nuts.

The Wife likes to point out that I’ve made a unique contribution to the world by being a father to The Boy; that I’ve added something to him and what he’ll do that nobody other than me could have. That’s true, and I’m really proud of that. I think he’s a remarkable kid who is going to have a major impact on the world. Still, there’s a part of me that finds that . . . limiting? Maybe it’s just ego, but the idea that my only reason for existence is to enable someone ELSE to do important things is disquieting to me. It makes me feel like I’m the guy who makes the rubber gaskets they use for the space shuttle – important, sure, but pretty much replaceable and mundane, ya’ know? It doesn’t feel right to me. I don’t think that’s the scope of my existence. I feel I should be helping other people. I feel I should be giving something of myself to more folks than just my family and friends.

I’ve been a fantasy writer for years now because I’m drawn to the ideals that are so common in the genre: courage, self-sacrifice, honor, honesty, and determination. I’ve been looking for a place to live up to those ideals for my entire life. I tried churches, sports, schools, martial arts, leagues, work, and volunteer organizations. All of them (‘cept maybe church . . . but y’all know how I feel about that!) had some part of what I’m looking for but nothing seemed to have them all. The only organization I know of that tries for all those things is the military. Oh, don’t misunderstand; I’m no starry-eyed kid expecting a perfect world in the military. I understand the levels of stupidity and pointlessness that exist therein! Here’s the thing though: the military are the only ones who try –and I mean REALLY try, not just say it- to reach those ideals. Too many of the things I’ve been involved with have actively been opposed to those ideals. They’re about self-interest, advancement, and personal glory/power. That doesn’t work for me.

This country was established by men who thought the ideals of the greater nation were more important than their own comforts. They sacrificed everything –even their lives when needed- for the sake of an idea that we are one people who will stand for and defend each other, even unto death. Too many in this world see that sacrifice as a joke, the stupid actions of morons brainwashed into an unthinking patriotism, that is nothing more than the pretty lies of the ruling class.

Sorry, I don’t agree.

We stand and fall together. If I won’t protect you, how can I expect you to protect me? How can I expect you to defend the ones I love? Not everyone will see that . . . not everyone will step up to do their part, but I believe enough of us will. Enough of us will stand and that is how the nation goes on. It’s how we grow, improve, and expand. Remember the old shampoo commercial: “I told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on . . . and so on . . .”? If I stand, then someone else will also . . . and so on . . . and so on . . .

I’ll end with two quotes that I think sum it up nicely:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire

From here on out, the details of my journey: beginning with my first call to the recruiter.



Delta Bravo Sierra said...

I'm looking forward to reading this ... thanks for writing! DBS, out.

J.A. Coppinger said...


Welcome aboard! I'm looking forward to reading this too . . . can't wait to see how it turns out! :-)
