Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Go Shopping . . . NOW!!!!

People, people, people!!!!!

Good news running right now - Holly Lisle's "Talyn" has just hit the bookstores in paperback!

In case you've forgotten, I did my first (and only) online book review of this book a while back, thanks to Holly sending me an ARC of it. Let me be very clear on this folks: THIS IS THE BEST NOVEL I HAVE READ IN A VERRRRRRYYYY LONG TIME! This is one of the most remarkable, and believable, fantasy worlds I've ever had the pleasure to wander through. Trust me, you will LOVE this book. It is a powerful story. I was just at Holly's site and if this print run doesn't sell well, then the series may not make it to the third novel. That would be tragic beyond words. Her novels of Korre are tales in the caliber of Tolkien, Herbert, Martin, and Jordan . . . they have a breadth and depth that is staggering.

Please (for the sake of my inner reader, here!) PLEASE, go out and buy this book right away. The first month's sales are what will make the difference on future novels (click here to find out why). Trust me on this, it is the best coupla bucks you're gonna spend this year. Looking for a GREAT Christmas gift for someone who reads? This is the best book on the stands right now. Best one in the last decade, to be honest. If you like strong women characters with real emotions and a butt-load of common sense . . . "Talyn" is the book to buy.

Don't let this masterwork fade out, tell everyone you know about it . . . link to it on your site . . . shout it from the rooftop . . . get a "Talyn" tattoo on your forehead . . . ya' know: whatever it takes. :-)



Spilling Ink said...

I am long overdue for a trip to the bookstore. Thanks for the heads-up!

SRH said...

I think I will pop by Borders on the way home tonight. I just finished the book I was reading too.