Thursday, November 02, 2006

Circle of Life

NaNo is now in full swing! I'm off to a really good start (check out them numbers on the counter!) Been writing at lunch yesterday and today. I'm hoping to get some more time in tonight at home but we'll see how that works out. Last two nights were a lot of running around (Halloween + a vet appointment last night) The new novel, which I'm calling "Tears" for now is off to a good start, I think. I uploaded the first 1,000 words or so to my NaNo profile (JaCop) so anyone who wants to take a peak at it, feel free.

Halloween night was interesting. The Boy has a new "lady friend" (his first) that he invited over to go trick-or-treating with him and his buddies. She seems like a very nice young lady, and pretty cute too. The Wife is not sure she's ready for this though. The idea that her "baby" has a girlfriend is not going down smoothly. I give her credit though, she's handling it well (ya' know: on the outside!) but she's not thrilled. The Boy is taking her (the girlfriend, not The Wife!) to a dance this weekend, which I guess counts as his first formal-type date. It's pretty damn bizarre to think he's old enough to be interested in girls but I was thinking about it last night and I was exactly the same age as he is now when "the madness" first hit me. My advice to him:

"Run, boy! Run fast as ya' can and never look back! If they sinks their claws in ya'. . . ya're don fer life!"

Well . . . maybe that ain't what I said, but it was something like that, I'm sure. Actually, The Boy is a polite young man with a good head on his shoulders and I imagine he's gonna do just fine with a girlfriend. As long as he remembers that school and responsibilities come first there won't be any problems (and I won't have to kill him!)

I imagine there are gonna be some gaps in my posting this month (I imagine ther's a lot of that going on) because of NaNo. When I'm faced with the choice of writing the blog or doing the novel, I'm gonna have to go with the novel. The good thing is, the tickers at the top of the page'll keep moving so you'll know I'm not dead or anything, even if you don't hear from me for a few days.



SRH said...

you are flippin, blazin through the word count!

Jean said...

Keep up the good work. I added you to my NaNo Buddy list so I can keep an eye on you.

Spilling Ink said...

Jim, I put you on mine, too. You're doing great!!!! Thanks for lending encouragement at my place. Much appreciated.