Monday, November 07, 2011

Continuing on . . .

He’d be lying if he said the thought didn’t appeal to him on some level but in the end he just brushed the hair out of his eyes with one hand and leapt the thirty or so feet across the chasm with ease, landing without a sound on the rust colored shale. Below, the mists thickened and swirled, their thick whiteness taking on an angry orange tint about the edges, as if they sensed and resented his casual dismissal of their invitation to death. Good, he wanted them pissed off. Anger makes your enemies sloppy. Sloppy enemies are much easier to convert into uncaring corpses. Jasper crouched down on one knee, picking up a golf ball sized piece of milky white quartz that lay beside his left boot. He examined it closely for a moment, looking deeply at the crystalline weave of the stone’s molecular structure. It was shit of course, no one left good augurstone lying about, but it would do for his immediate need. He brought the stone close to his lips and breathed softly into it, pushing fey into the stone’s depths. The white quartz began to pulse softly with a pale yellow light and it warmed slightly in his hand. Jasper nodded in satisfaction as he stood, bouncing the glowing quartz in his palm. The augur wouldn’t hold for long, the weak stone would shatter quickly beneath the strain, but it would hold long enough for what he needed. He brought the stone close to his lips once more but this time he didn’t breathe; he spoke. He pushed his voice within the lattice of the augurstone energies, letting his message become part of the stone’s fabric. It would hold his words until the stone broke, then they would release, delivering his message just as he spoke the words now:

“I’m here. Come out of your hole and die, asshole.”

Not very poetic, he thought with a grin as he leaned forward and dropped the augur into the chasm, but it would do the job. When the stone hit bottom and shattered, those simple words would be all that was required to shake all hell free from its bonds.

He hoped.

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