Thursday, January 12, 2006

Quantum Theory of Wanting

Ah, sight! What a wonderful thing! I am back to normal (well, as close to it as I ever get, anyway!) again and you may freely hold me culpable for all bad spelling and grammar mistakes you find in my post today.

Got about 1,500 words on "First" so far today. With a touch of luck, I can get some more in this evening. It was a hard writing day actually. Despite my excitement of yesterday, I had trouble getting the words down. The imp-of-the-perverse was hard at work, laughing its little impish ass off at me I guess. Seems that the good days only show up when you're not expecting them. When you're out trolling for them, they're nowhere to be found. Hmmm . . . in younger years, I noticed the same was true of available women. Looking for sex? Never gonna get it! Sitting on a bench thinking about clouds? BAM, they're all over you! Later, I also noticed the same was true of relationships. Looking for Mr/Mrs Right? Sorry, they're on extended holiday in Bora-Bora. Give up and stay home to read a good book? BAM, there's a phone call and it's the wife-to-be on the line!

Hey, I may have uncovered one of the great universal mysteries here . . . have to think on that. :-)

So, I gave up on repairing the old computer and popped the hard drive out of it. I'll toss that into my son's system over the weekend and burn all our important files to CD. In the meantime, I ordered a lovely new DELL (read: not-fuckin'-Gateway!) laptop that should be in my grubby little hands tomorrow (or Monday at the latest) I LOVE laptops! The one I use for work is da' bomb! I just don't like keeping personal stuff on it, ya' know? I've had a few too many "sudden" departures from companies in the past to want to risk losing some of my writing because I've been "unplugged" due to downsizing/cutbacks. I'm not expecting that here, but hell: I didn't expect it the other time either!

House is moving, baby! As of last night, kitchen and basement were primed and ready for final paint. The contractor is positive he will be done in a matter of days now (yea, sure!) I won't count on it, but methinks I see a bit of light at end of yon tunnel! Ah well, gotta run to pick up my prescription for new contacts from the eye Dr. Traveling for work tomorrow, so maybe no post . . . if not, good weekend to all!


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