Friday, November 04, 2011

and hmmmm . . . .

Life is like that, he thought. The overwhelming is buried in the minutiae of the ordinary. When things are too much for the simple human brain to comprehend, it focuses instead on the trivial and the silly. Why worry about the cold of the mist when the bone-snapping, brain-flattening, stop at the end of the fall was where the mind should be focusing? There it was though: the simplicity of the mind. What can’t be fathomed or controlled, can be ignored in favor of the comfortable ordinary. Was that what had happened between he and Kailey? Had he been so unable to see the miraculous that he’d tried to force her into a role she was incapable of living? Maybe. It wouldn’t matter soon though, the wind pressed once more at the small of his back, a lover’s caress urging his unwilling body forward. The breeze tickled against his neck, it’s formless voice whispering in his ear. Forward . . . forward . . .

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