Thursday, May 26, 2005

Quick and Dirty

Hail and well met, fellow follower of the word written!

It is late, I am tired, and I am just a wee bit punchy so I'll keep this short and sweet. Worked 23 hours out of the last 48,, got into a fight with my boss, sat in on an Eagle Scout Board of Review (Very cool! The young man made Eagle with flying colors; he truly earned it!) had a two hour discussion over the fate of two other potential candidates, spent 9 hours traveling in a car -in the rain- and managed to get in about seven hours of sleep.

Fun Fun Fun!!!!!

No writing, no type-in and not likely to be this weekend either. I'm going to my younger brother's bachelor party tomorrow night, a BBQ at my oldest friends house Sat., working from home all day Sun. and (if all goes well!) running to a parade, mowing the lawn, and about 40 other small things on Monday (See? Even when it's a holiday, Monday sucks!)

Anyway, there's a great write up about blogging over on Holly Lisle's site. You should check it out. I dropped a comment in there myself to add my $0.02 about why I keep this blog. She has some interesting points to make, as do the folks who left comments. That's it for now, I gotta get some sleep.


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